Getting started with GitHub — On the path to Unity development

Matthew Bartosh
2 min readApr 8, 2021

Setting up your first project in GitHub is a relatively simple task, after you sign up for an account on, you’ll see your homepage.

You can see that I’ve already made ‘Version-Control-Example’ on the left side.

Up in the left corner, there’s a green ‘New’ button, clicking that will bring you to the ‘Create a New Repository’ page.

On this page, you’ll select an Owner for the repository, as well as a name for it. You’ll also see a section where you can provide a Description for your project. As you can see, you’re also able to set whether the repository is Public or Private, which defines who can see it as well as how they’re able to access it.

  • If set to Public, anyone will be able to search and see the repository, and you’re able to choose who is able to commit changes to it.
  • If it’s set to Private, it will not be searchable and won’t be able to be seen or committed to without adding collaborators to a whitelist.

Adding a .gitignore is another powerful feature of GitHub, causing the repository to ignore common files that other contributors wouldn’t necessarily need if you’re all working off the same program or language (in this case, it’s set to Unity).

You’re also able to add a readme, for instructions and more information on your project, and a license, though we’re not going to get into either of those right now.

At the very bottom, you’ll hit ‘Create repository’, which will finish up the process.

Congratulations, you’ve created your first Repository!

The Repository screen, with an active project.

